Get Outside!

Campfires, Wood Stoves & Rocking Chairs

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Camp is open April 15 - Nov 15

2024 Turkeys
Book your cabin for Turkey Camp Spring 2024
Turkey Season starting with a bang!
Nightly Lodging for individuals, families or groups.
Contact us at
Southern Rockies Camp and Retreat is located at 8,200 feet above sea level, depositing cool mountain temperatures.

Twelve year old hunter and her dad for area 34. Opening day of 2022 youth hunting season. Proud to have them stay at Southern Rockies Camp.
Camp has ice machine, freezer and game coolers available for hunters.
Guest at Southern Rockies Camp harvested Archery deer 9/7/22, Unit 34. Make your reservations for a Cabin!

Located in the Scott Able Canyon of the Sacramento Mountains in Southeastern New Mexico, Southern Rockies Camp and Retreat Center provides an ideal camp setting for individuals of all ages. Your group will appreciate the “just right” atmosphere for enjoying life close to nature. There is no better way to learn, entertain, or just enjoy life than to spend some time here.

Cabins for families or small groups - fully furnished for up to 8 people
Rooms with king or queen bed and private bath
Bunk houses for families or small groups
Bunk houses with double-deck bunks providing facilities for up to 150 people
Wade Hall is a combination recreation and dining hall providing ample space in its 40’ by 90’ open floor plan. The interior features a central rock fireplace with versatile folding tables and benches.
Excellent hiking and backpacking trails, and opportunities for intriguing evening activities.

Physical Address -
161 Scott Able Road
Cloudcroft, NM
Mailing Address:
Southern Rockies Camp
PO Box 1069
Cloudcroft, NM 88317

© 2014 by Southern Rockies Camp & Retreat Centers