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Visit Us!

DIRECTIONS - SRCRC is at:  N32° 43.687ˈ W105° 43.721ˈ
From Cloudcroft go south on 130 about 2 miles turn right on 6563 (Sunspot highway).  Go approximately 21 miles toward Timberon.  Look for a sign that says SACRAMENTO and turn left onto Scott Able Road (FS 460) (if you see the sign that says Timberon 5 miles - you have just passed your turn) and go approximately 2 miles - up a steep narrow part of the road is a pull out to access 460A (it is almost a U-turn). You will see the Southern Rockies Camp sign, 161 Scott Able Road.  This is a beautiful drive, winding roads. You might want to set your odometer so you know exactly where you are. MAKE SURE YOU ARRIVE WELL BEFORE DARK - YOU DO NOT WANT TO TRY AND FIND THE CAMP AFTER DARK!!!
Camp has WiFi calling once you arrive in camp but no cell service.
Don’t forget to stop at Haynes Canyon overlook of White Sands National Monument Vistas of 100 miles.



Scott Able Road sign.jpeg



Located 25 miles south of Cloudcroft, New Mexico on scenic highway 6563 then 2 miles on FS 460 to the entrance gate designated 460A. Don’t forget to stop at the White Sands National Monument overlook Vistas of 100 miles.

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